Reading God's Story
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
We are excited as a church family to be reading through the Bible this year. Our goal is to read the Bible through this year in a format that is different than one might be accustomed to. We will be reading through the Bible chronologically using Dr. George Guthrie's, "Reading God's Story," Bible reading plan. Our hope is to help connect the dots on some of the Biblical accounts to understand the great narrative of Scripture more clearly. We encourage you to join in with us. You can see below the link to the reading plan and all the different accompanying resources. All you need is the Bible and the plan! You can access it online or in print. For an opportunity to grow with others in this reading plan we are also having two small group gatherings to work through the weekly readings at a time most convenient for you. See below for more details. Will you come along with us as we pursue being a disciple making family; surrendered to Jesus, transformed by the Gospel, and saturated in the Word?
Getting Started:


choose between
- “Read the Bible for Life” reading plan
- “Reading God’s Story: One-Year Chronological Plan” on the YouVersion app

A resource for small group study
- purchase “Reader’s Guide to the Bible
A Chronological Reading Plan” here or in the church office ($15)