Parent Child Dedication Requirements

Parent Child Dedication Requirements

We believe that children are a gift from God.  We want to celebrate this amazing gift with you. We want to come alongside of you as a church as you seek to raise your child in the Lord.  We desire to pray for you, encourage you, and partner with you in this amazing journey of parenthood.

Our parent child dedication service is for parents to commit before the congregation their dedication to impressing on the heart of their children the things of God.  During this dedication service parents promise before God, their family, and the church to raise their child in a God-honoring way. Because parents are the key role models for their children, we ask that they commit to the following before dedicating their child:

  • Parents must be church members of Heritage.
  • Couples (man and woman) must be married and not just living together.
  • Single parents who dedicate their children may not have boyfriends or girlfriends present with them on the platform.
  • Parents must attend the required parenting class prior to the dedication.

We are looking forward to sharing this very special time with you.  For more information contact Melissa Schubeck at


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