Discovery Island - Pre-School Ministry
(Babies thru Kindergarten)
Sunday Mornings -- 9:15 am and 10:30 am
Wednesday Nights -- 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm
Discovery Island
We are pleased to welcome you to our Preschool Ministry, Discovery Island, where children discover Jesus’ love for them. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells a story about two men who built a house. One man chose a solid and stable rock to use as a foundation. The other man chose to build his house on sand. When the rain came, the house on solid foundation stood, while the house on the shifting foundation fell with a great crash.
Together with parents, the members of our Discovery Island staff will strive to build a solid foundation of faith for the preschoolers of Heritage. We use a Bible-based curriculum, activity teaching, and structured play to learn more about Jesus. We use Lifeway Curriculum on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Our Goal
- To lay a spiritual foundation so that each child is aware of God’s love.
- To provide a safe, clean, Christ-centered environment for children at church.
- To help each child feel comfortable, secure, and loved.
- To help each child know the Bible is a special book that tells about God and Jesus.
- To help each child learn to share and think of others.
- To encourage the active participation of parents in Worship, Bible study, fellowship and service.
Cradle Care Ministry
Let us come alongside of you during this season of life. Maybe it's the excitement of expecting a child, or possibly the heartbreak of losing a child. We want to help you during this season. If you are willing to let us know how our cradle care ministry can serve you we would be honored to lend a hand. Maybe you have a heart for this very ministry and would like to serve in this area we could definitely use you. This is a ministry designed to reach out to expectant parents. Our goal is to partner with you from the moment you find out you are expecting or adding a child to your family. The Cradle Care Ministry will come alongside you and support you during this exciting time. Contact Melissa Schubeck if you would like to help serve in this area or if you are expecting.
What is Cradle Care Ministry
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