Worship Ministry
At Heritage we desire to pursue God in our worship - to delight in Him. We strive to keep our worship Christ-centered and cross-focused. Worship is a lifestyle and as one commentator says, "everything we do should be governed by one goal--to see Jesus Christ praised, exalted, magnified, lifted up, and obeyed." We hope you join us in this goal of lifting up the name of Jesus.
Our Goal
Our aim through our music and singing is to lift high the name of Christ. Our goal is to praise God for who He is and because He is worthy to be praised. As a group of people that have been rescued by Christ we worship out of the overflow of His great love for us. We strive for our worship time to be rooted in Scripture and honoring to God.

Worship Choir Practice
Wednesday Nights--6:00 pm until 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Join Us!
If you are interested in being a part of the worship team here at Heritage, please contact Sammy for more information.